Adding custom columns to the WordPress comments admin page

Adding custom columns to the WordPress admin pages is fairly easy, however not all the filters available to you are displayed on Plugin API Filter Reference page. The following article will take you through the process of adding additional columns to the comments admin page using two undocumented filters.

If you are not a plugin author intending to use this functionality within a plugin, you should place the following code examples into your theme’s functions.php file.

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Connecting to an Apple Time Capsule Disk over the internet (WAN) using Windows

If you are like myself and sitting on the fence between Windows and Apple based products, you may want to communicate between Windows1 and your Apple Time Capsule Disk both locally (LAN) and via the internet (WAN).

Setting up the Time Capsule Disk as just a local network drive is fairly easy2, however there is little instruction on sharing disks over WAN if you’re using Windows.

Continue reading “Connecting to an Apple Time Capsule Disk over the internet (WAN) using Windows”